Discover Your Purpose

6-week One-on-One Coaching Program

The Discover Your Purpose Program

This 6-week transformational journey designed to help you uncover your true purpose and align your life with it. While this program offers a structured approach, every session is tailored to fit your individual needs, allowing flexibility in the areas you want to explore more deeply. I will be there to guide you in discovering insights you may not have considered, but that will significantly contribute to your growth and clarity.

What’s Included:

  • Purpose Discovery: We begin by digging deep into who you are, what you value, and what impact you want to have on the world. By the end of this phase, you’ll have crystal-clear clarity on your purpose and a sense of direction for your life and career.

  • Vision Creation: Once your purpose is defined, we’ll work together to craft a vision of how you want to bring that purpose to life. Whether it’s through a new career, a personal project, or a business, we’ll outline a long-term plan that allows for growth, adaptability, and fulfillment.

  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Together, we will identify and break through the fears and limiting beliefs holding you back. This phase is about building resilience and releasing the mindset barriers that prevent you from reaching your full potential.

  • Mindset & Identity Reframe: We’ll challenge old stories and beliefs about who you are and what you’re capable of, helping you rewrite your narrative. This shift in mindset will empower you to embody the person you need to be to achieve the outcomes you desire.

  • Subconscious Reprogramming: Real change starts from within. We’ll work on aligning your subconscious with your conscious goals, so your mind, heart, and actions are working in harmony toward your purpose.

  • Life Alignment: Finally, you’ll learn how to stay aligned with your purpose on a daily basis by tapping into your intuition and inner guidance. This phase helps you cultivate an authentic, lasting connection with yourself, empowering you to navigate life with clarity and confidence.

Who is purpose coaching for?

The Discover Your Purpose package is for anyone navigating life transitions, whether due to grief, divorce, career changes, or reintegration after major life events. It’s designed to help you find fulfillment, rediscover your identity, and create a life you love. This coaching is for those seeking personal growth, resilience, and a fresh start.

  • Helping individuals find purpose and meaning after loss, promoting healing and resilience. Encourages the exploration of new interests and passions, aiding in the journey forward.

  • Supports the process of rediscovering oneself outside the context of the marriage, assists in regaining self-esteem and confidence, and guides in setting new life goals and creating a vision for the future.

  • Assists in identifying interests, strengths, and potential career paths, helps in setting academic and career goals that align with personal passions and talents, provides tools and strategies for making informed decisions about education and career choices, and supports the development of confidence and self-efficacy as they prepare for college and beyond.

  • Assists in identifying transferable skills and exploring new career opportunities, provides emotional support to navigate the uncertainties of job loss, and helps in setting and achieving new career goals.

  • Cult survivors often struggle with identity loss. Coaching helps them rediscover and rebuild their true selves, provides a safe space for processing trauma and fostering emotional healing, and assists in developing practical skills and strategies for re-integrating into society.

  • Focuses on rebuilding life. Provides a non-judgmental to foster emotional well-being, and helps in setting and achieving goals that align with a positive and productive future.

Investment for Discovery Package

$850 for 6 weeks